Liu Song’s Projects


git clone


David Mraz <[email protected]>
2023-06-05 11:12:20 +0200 +0200
 pages/footer-01.tsx | 170 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

feat: footer

diff --git a/pages/footer-01.tsx b/pages/footer-01.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e821025ff76248524a87beae54a0bfbf9a003be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/footer-01.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+import React from 'react';
+const footerIsolated = () => {
+    return (
+        <>
+            <div style={{ height: '100vh', width: '100vw', backgroundColor: '#1f1b3d'}}>
+            </div>
+            <footer>
+                <section className="footer-top-wrapper">
+                    <section className='footer-top'>
+                        <img className="logo" src="logos/atheros_logo_white.png" title='Logo' alt='Logo' />
+                        <span className='social-links'>
+                            <a>
+                                <img src="icons/instagram.svg" title='Instagram' alt='Instagram' />                       
+                            </a>
+                            <a>
+                                <img src="icons/facebook.svg" title='Facebook' alt='Facebook' />                       
+                            </a>
+                            <a>
+                                <img src="icons/linkedin.svg" title='Linkedin' alt='Linkedin' />
+                            </a>
+                        </span>
+                    </section>
+                    <section>
+                        <menu>
+                            <h2>Atheros Learning</h2>
+                            <li>
+                                <a>For Students</a>
+                            </li>
+                            <li>
+                                <a>For Lectors</a>
+                            </li>
+                            <li>
+                                <a>Sign-Up/Log-In</a>
+                            </li>
+                        </menu>
+                    </section>
+                    <section>
+                        <menu>
+                            <h2>Atheros Cloud</h2>
+                            <li>
+                                <a>Private Data Detector</a>
+                            </li>
+                            <li>
+                                <a>Text Classification</a>
+                            </li>
+                            <li>
+                                <a>Duplicates Detector</a>
+                            </li>
+                        </menu>
+                    </section>
+                    <section>
+                        <menu>
+                            <h2>Company</h2>
+                            <li>
+                                <a>Blog</a>
+                            </li>
+                            <li>
+                                <a>About Us</a>
+                            </li>
+                            <li>
+                                <a>Contact</a>
+                            </li>
+                        </menu>
+                    </section>
+                </section>
+                <section className="footer-bottom">
+                        <small>© Atheros Intelligence Ltd. 2023 All rights reserved</small>
+                </section>
+            </footer>
+                <style jsx>
+                        {`
+    footer {
+        background: #050028;
+        box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+        font-size: 16px;
+        color: white;
+        overflow: hidden;
+        display: flex;
+        flex-direction: column;
+        position: absolute;
+        width: 100%;
+        bottom: 0px;
+    }
+    .footer-top-wrapper {
+        display: flex;
+        flex-direction: row;
+        flex-wrap: wrap;
+        gap: 48px;
+        margin: 0 auto;
+        padding: 16px;
+        min-height: 160px;
+    }
+    .footer-top-wrapper > section {
+        width: 180px;
+    }
+    h2 {
+        text-align: left;
+        color: #d2d0e6;
+        margin-top: 0px;
+        margin-bottom: 16px;
+        opacity: 0.7;
+        font-size: 16px;
+        font-weight: 600;
+    }
+    menu {
+        list-style-type: none;
+        padding: 0;
+        margin: 0;
+    }
+    menu li {
+        margin-bottom: 16px;
+    }
+    .logo {
+        width: 180px;
+        margin-bottom: 8px;
+    }
+    .social-links {
+        display: flex;
+        flex-direction: row;
+        gap: 8px;
+        with: 180px;
+    }
+    .social-links img {
+        width: 24px;
+        height: 24px;
+    }
+    .footer-top {
+        max-width: 800px;
+    }
+    .footer-bottom {
+        height: 60px;
+        margin-top: 48px;
+        display: flex;
+        text-align: center;
+        align-items: center;
+        justify-content: center;
+        width: 100%;
+        background-color: #1f1b3d;
+        padding: 4px;
+    }
+    .footer-bottom > small {
+        font-size: 16px;
+        margin: 0 4px;
+    }
+    `}
+            </style>
+        </>
+    )
+export default footerIsolated;
\ No newline at end of file

diff --git a/public/logos/atheros_logo_white.png b/public/logos/atheros_logo_white.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8fe9241057a4a37220f8d9d4ae65e55f0001694
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/logos/atheros_logo_white.png differ