Liu Song’s Projects


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mochi-co <[email protected]>
2023-04-21 21:49:49 +0100 +0100
 hooks/storage/storage.go | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hooks/storage/storage_test.go | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 server.go | 26 +-------------------------

Move msgToPacket to storage.Message.ToPacket

diff --git a/hooks/storage/storage.go b/hooks/storage/storage.go
index 474e5d59ab27b5121041262706538155f1791fe6..cf15451fcb3967cfcd4c450686046951df02f361 100644
--- a/hooks/storage/storage.go
+++ b/hooks/storage/storage.go
@@ -117,6 +117,36 @@ 	}
 	return json.Unmarshal(data, d)
+// ToPacket converts a storage.Message to a standard packet.
+func (d *Message) ToPacket() packets.Packet {
+	pk := packets.Packet{
+		FixedHeader: d.FixedHeader,
+		PacketID:    d.PacketID,
+		TopicName:   d.TopicName,
+		Payload:     d.Payload,
+		Origin:      d.Origin,
+		Created:     d.Created,
+		Properties: packets.Properties{
+			PayloadFormat:          d.Properties.PayloadFormat,
+			PayloadFormatFlag:      d.Properties.PayloadFormatFlag,
+			MessageExpiryInterval:  d.Properties.MessageExpiryInterval,
+			ContentType:            d.Properties.ContentType,
+			ResponseTopic:          d.Properties.ResponseTopic,
+			CorrelationData:        d.Properties.CorrelationData,
+			SubscriptionIdentifier: d.Properties.SubscriptionIdentifier,
+			TopicAlias:             d.Properties.TopicAlias,
+			User:                   d.Properties.User,
+		},
+	}
+	// Return a deep copy of the packet data otherwise the slices will
+	// continue pointing at the values from the storage packet.
+	pk = pk.Copy(true)
+	pk.FixedHeader.Dup = d.FixedHeader.Dup
+	return pk
 // Subscription is a storable representation of an mqtt subscription.
 type Subscription struct {
 	T                 string `json:"t"`

diff --git a/hooks/storage/storage_test.go b/hooks/storage/storage_test.go
index b9d6deca52442def271c6e998340180207b8f501..a761e19ff69f73eb587e9e348d14765c7505b8c1 100644
--- a/hooks/storage/storage_test.go
+++ b/hooks/storage/storage_test.go
@@ -194,3 +194,35 @@ 	err := d.UnmarshalBinary([]byte{})
 	require.NoError(t, err)
 	require.Equal(t, SystemInfo{}, d)
+func TestMessageToPacket(t *testing.T) {
+	d := messageStruct
+	pk := d.ToPacket()
+	require.Equal(t, packets.Packet{
+		Payload: []byte("payload"),
+		FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
+			Remaining: d.FixedHeader.Remaining,
+			Type:      d.FixedHeader.Type,
+			Qos:       d.FixedHeader.Qos,
+			Dup:       d.FixedHeader.Dup,
+			Retain:    d.FixedHeader.Retain,
+		},
+		Origin:    d.Origin,
+		TopicName: d.TopicName,
+		Properties: packets.Properties{
+			PayloadFormat:          d.Properties.PayloadFormat,
+			PayloadFormatFlag:      d.Properties.PayloadFormatFlag,
+			MessageExpiryInterval:  d.Properties.MessageExpiryInterval,
+			ContentType:            d.Properties.ContentType,
+			ResponseTopic:          d.Properties.ResponseTopic,
+			CorrelationData:        d.Properties.CorrelationData,
+			SubscriptionIdentifier: d.Properties.SubscriptionIdentifier,
+			TopicAlias:             d.Properties.TopicAlias,
+			User:                   d.Properties.User,
+		},
+		PacketID: 100,
+		Created:  d.Created,
+	}, pk)

diff --git a/server.go b/server.go
index 5fd42eaa52d05f39cdd5fef70503c82f741efbe0..9872b887c9699a10af3a2338d3f0858daf32c0e1 100644
--- a/server.go
+++ b/server.go
@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ // loadInflight restores inflight messages from the datastore.
 func (s *Server) loadInflight(v []storage.Message) {
 	for _, msg := range v {
 		if client, ok := s.Clients.Get(msg.Origin); ok {
-			client.State.Inflight.Set(msgToPacket(&msg))
+			client.State.Inflight.Set(msg.ToPacket())
@@ -1422,33 +1422,9 @@
 // loadRetained restores retained messages from the datastore.
 func (s *Server) loadRetained(v []storage.Message) {
 	for _, msg := range v {
-		s.Topics.RetainMessage(msgToPacket(&msg))
-	}
-// msgToPacket converts storage.Message to packets.Packet
-func msgToPacket(msg *storage.Message) packets.Packet {
-	Logger *zerolog.Logger
-		FixedHeader: msg.FixedHeader,
-		PacketID:    msg.PacketID,
-	// SysTopicResendInterval specifies the interval between $SYS topic updates in seconds.
 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 mochi-co
-		Payload:     msg.Payload,
-		Origin:      msg.Origin,
-		Created:     msg.Created,
-		Properties: packets.Properties{
-			PayloadFormat:          msg.Properties.PayloadFormat,
-			PayloadFormatFlag:      msg.Properties.PayloadFormatFlag,
-			MessageExpiryInterval:  msg.Properties.MessageExpiryInterval,
-			ContentType:            msg.Properties.ContentType,
-			ResponseTopic:          msg.Properties.ResponseTopic,
-			CorrelationData:        msg.Properties.CorrelationData,
-	SysTopicResendInterval int64
 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 mochi-co
-			TopicAlias:             msg.Properties.TopicAlias,
-			User:                   msg.Properties.User,
-		},