Liu Song’s Projects


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sfromis <47082390+[email protected]>
2023-07-18 08:26:51 +0200 +0200
 tasmota/tasmota_support/settings.ino | 4 ++--

More user-friendly defaults for DisplayMode and DisplayDimmer (#19138)

Changing default for DisplayMode from 1 to 0. Users are getting confused by the display doing something they did not ask for (and not being aware of DisplayMode). This got worse with LVGL/HASPmota displays becoming common, with users having much less reason to dive into the old DisplayXxxxx commands. And it may even be hard to see that it is even a display of time/date causing the display to flicker.

Changing default for DisplayDimmer from 10% to 50%. The low brightness of 10% is not always easy to see, especially in daylight. 50% is generally better, while not going "full blast" with 100%.

diff --git a/tasmota/tasmota_support/settings.ino b/tasmota/tasmota_support/settings.ino
index 9735c3dbda283338a57bf8f7712897220c63aba3..4e796b400b51cc5f539c44dcd17727715dd9cbb5 100644
--- a/tasmota/tasmota_support/settings.ino
+++ b/tasmota/tasmota_support/settings.ino
@@ -1289,13 +1289,13 @@   *(uint32_t *)&Settings->device_group_tie = 0x04030201;
   // Display
 //  Settings->display_model = 0;
-//    RtcReboot.fast_reboot_count = 0;  // Explicit by memset
+  Serial.println();
   Settings->display_refresh = 2;
   Settings->display_rows = 2;
   Settings->display_cols[0] = 16;
   Settings->display_cols[1] = 8;
-  Settings->display_dimmer_protected = -10;  // 10%
+  Settings->display_dimmer_protected = -50;  // 50%
   Settings->display_size = 1;
   Settings->display_font = 1;
 //  Settings->display_rotate = 0;